I  am  grateful  to my information technology   (IT) team that  worked  efficiently  and  effectively to  take  the  school  to  greater  heights  during  the  pandemic  through  all  its  unprecedented events  and  happenings by facilitating on line classes and virtual mode of educational instruction. The current endeavour was only possible through their sincere efforts .We  live  at  a  time  balancing  between  the  paradoxes  of  life  and death.  We  run the  race  of  life  in  laps  only  to  discover  that  every  finishing  line  seem  to  be  the new  starting  line.    In  the rush  of  human  life  let  us  discover  the  essence  of  life  which  is humanity  by  living  every  moment  purposefully  and  making  it  significant.    In  the  game  of  life what  we  do  for  ourselves  die  with  us  but  what  we  do  for  others  will  keep  living  as  a  legacy to  be  carried  on.  We  remember  the  legendary  lives  of  those  who  have  gone  before  us  and start  on  the  positive  note  that  a  painting  is  made  stroke  by  stroke,  a  building  is  built  brick  by brick  and  a  human  life  is  constructed  choice  by  choice.  All  that  matters  is  to  be  making progressive  choices  and  contribute  our  best  to  add  life  to  the  years  we  live  on  this  earth. Just  as  every  blossom  has  a  story  to  tell,  let  us  hope  to  work  together  and  make  our contribution  significant  as  life  passes  through  our  hands  so  quickly.  I  solicit  the  co-operation and  support  of  all  our  stake  holders  in  the  field  of  education  in  shaping  the  young  minds towards  a  purposeful  life.   Coming  back  to  this  school  after  a  short  break  of  few  years,  I  have  observed  tremendous improvement  in  the  area  of  teaching  learning  processes  and  the  giant  strides  taken  by officers of education department, parents,  teachers,  students  and  all  stake  holders  in  the  field.  Every  adversity  presents  with  it something  new  and  adventurous  for  us  humans  to  learn  from.  The  pandemic  too  has brought  tremendous  opportunities  in  the  educational  front.  The  hidden  talents  of  teachers and  students  have  been  brought  out  and  the  timid  and  slow  have  found  the  opportunities presented  as  a  welcome  start.  Opportunities  knock  at  every  door  step.  Those  who  are awake  welcome  it  and  others  let  it  pass  by  unaware  of  its  call. So at the end I would like congratulate my staff members who worked patiently to make this venture a realty.

With gratitude