Institution profile

Govt. Model Higher Secondary School ANANTNAG was established in 1959 and since then it has proved an educational hub in District Anantnag. The institute is ideally located on the road leading to historically famous Mugal Gardens of Achabal and is placed right on the left flank of Apart stream giving it a unique and echo-friendly look. The school is having an excellent track record in providing quality education which is reflected by the number of scholars, well known academicians, politicians, bureaucrats, Doctors, Engineers,and other professionals produced by this prestigious institution

The institution is preferred by the students and is Ranked No. 1 in terms of interface.


One day, all the children in this nation will have the opportunity to attain excellence in the field of education. Our vision as an institution and the premier institute of District Anantnag is to provide quality education to the students .we shall make ultimate use of every resource available with us in terms of men machine and materials to achieve the objective.


It shall be our mission to envisage a knowledge based society which ought to add value in times to come. As we know dynamics of education has changed: a lot of change is felt in the field of education. the way we receive and impart education has changed at a revolutionary pace. Our aim is to integrate whole the resources and collage a framework of integration of technology and the vibrant human resource is available with us to provide impetus to the idea of quality education in the spirit of new education policy NEP 2020.


Our strategic objectives are to provide the education which is productive and useful to the demands and the needs of society in order to achieve the strategic objectives.We shall together- the students, the teachers and community collaborate, create and disseminate the knowledge for social usefulness.